
BS_2_2020 Zone 2. Road I-5 between the villages of Volovo and Obretenik. Dangerous section, with many accidents - mainly due to loss of control due to improper speed and due to risky overtaking. The section has a slight slope and a series of bends with reduced visibility. The local conditions of the micro relief create preconditions for icing in winter, and in some curves of turns the turns are reversed, which further complicates the conditions in case of precipitation. A typical situation in winter is the formation of local icing in the bends, due to the high and dense vegetation along the road. The section has three lanes, two in the northern direction and one in the southern direction, as overtaking along the entire section is prohibited between the traffic directions, but is allowed in both lanes in the North direction. This determines the behavior of drivers in the South direction - there due to heavy traffic and descending the road high speed in the corners leads to rapid reaching of carts or trucks and overtaking in the area. It is in this situation that severe head-on collisions usually occur in this section, and the other accidents are cars that have gone off the road due to loss of control over the car.